NOVEMBER 5-8, 2024
ONLINE - 100% Live & Interactive

SPM Training Excellence in Product Strategy

The Excellence training courses focus on methods and their practical application, i.e. there is sufficient room for realistic case studies and exercises. Certification is offered for each training.

This Excellence in Product Strategy V.2 training addresses questions like: What is the right strategy for your product to achieve business success in changing times? Utilize the business model canvas to make your strategic decisions, get feedback faster and make informed adjustments. The training covers areas such as:

    • Introduction
      • Software Product Management Overview & Framework
      • Role of Product Strategy
      • Business Model Concept and Canvas
      • Mapping
    • Business Models in the Software Industry
      • Software Business Models for Companies and Products
    • Customer Segments and Value Propositions
      • Identifying Customer Needs and Segmentation
      • Value Proposition
      • Positioning
      • Whole Product Concept
    • Partnerships and the Software Ecosystem
      • Software Ecosystems and Their Players
      • Selecting and Managing Partners
    • Channels
      • Sales Channels in Relation to Products
      • Defining the Channel Strategy
      • Managing the Channels
    • Competition and Other Alternatives
      • Identifying and Analyzing the Customers’ Alternatives
      • Defining the Competitive Strategy
    • Revenue Streams
      • Defining Revenue Streams
      • Pricing Strategies
      • Building Revenue Models
    • Cost Structure
      • Cost Drivers in Software’s Unique Cost Structure
      • Building the Financial Model
      • Business Cases
    • Business Measures, KPIs, Risk Management
      • Defining Business Measures
      • Managing the Product’s Business Performance
      • Identifying and Managing Risks
    • Legal aspects
      • Contracts and Intellectual Property
      • Open Source
      • Data Protection

Become an ISPMA certified Software Product Manager
After the training we offer the attendees the opportunity to take the ISPMA certification test. The test is performed as a multiple-choice test and is facilitated by the International Software Quality Institute. You can become a certified ISPMA member.

Build an SPM peer network
The ISPMA training is an excellent opportunity to build a personal peer network with other software products managers from different companies.

InnoTivum provides this Excellence Training on Product Strategy both as public and in-house training.

Hans-Bernd Kittlaus is an internationally renowned expert on SPM and a highly experienced SPM trainer and consultant.

ONLINE – 100% Live & Interactive

Only 5 hours per day

Course Fee

€ 2,700 + VAT
Includes all course material.


Western Europe + North America: €315 + VAT where applicable,

India + MEA + South America: €175 + VAT where applicable.


This 4-day Excellence Level training is aimed at software product Managers who already have the ISPMA Foundation Level Certificate or comparable experience of at least 3 years working as a Software Product Manager..


Course Language

